Cezanne – (Rhythm and Integration)

Paul Cezanne - Mountain Sainte-Victoire - 1886 - 67 x 92 cm - oil on canvas

We can see the care given to rhythm in this painting by Cezanne with the beautiful relationship of the mountain and the branches above.  The sweep of the lower branch at the right matching the curve of the mountain is superb.  I love the one at the top right and how it’s curve connects to the left side of the mountain.  Do you sense the movement running across the painting in the branches?  What a painter!

There is a very sophisticated integration beginning with parallel lines which bring you into the painting from the bottom right and connecting your eye movement to the lower branch at the left.  I hope you can feel it, as it is very impressive.  Can you also feel how this movement is in harmony with the mountain and the branches above?  His thoroughness is outstanding.  What a painter!


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